How do they match: Advertising and Promotions Managers

  • Media Director
  • Media Promoter

  • Assemble and communicate with a strong, diverse coalition of organizations or public figures, securing their cooperation, support, and action, to further campaign goals.
  • Confer with department heads or staff to discuss topics such as contracts, selection of advertising media, or product to be advertised.
  • Coordinate activities of departments, such as sales, graphic arts, media, finance, and research.
  • Coordinate with marketing team members, graphic artists, and other workers to develop and implement marketing programs.
  • Coordinate with the media to disseminate advertising.
  • Develop communications materials, advertisements, presentations, or public relations initiatives to promote awareness of products and services.
  • Plan and prepare advertising and promotional material to increase sales of products or services, working with customers, company officials, sales departments, and advertising agencies.
  • Read trade journals and professional literature to stay informed on trends, innovations, and changes that affect media planning.
  • Train and direct workers engaged in developing and producing advertisements.

  • Confer with organizational members to accomplish work activities.
  • Establish interpersonal business relationships to facilitate work activities.