How do they match: Search Marketing Strategists

  • Technical Marketing Specialist
  • Digital Media Planner
  • Interactive Media Marketing Director
  • Interactive Media Marketing Specialist
  • Interactive Media Marketing Strategist
  • Internet Media Planner
  • New Media Strategist
  • Social Media Specialist
  • Social Media Strategist

  • Conduct market research analysis to identify search query trends, real-time search and news media activity, popular social media topics, electronic commerce trends, market opportunities, or competitor performance.
  • Conduct online marketing initiatives, such as paid ad placement, affiliate programs, sponsorship programs, email promotions, or viral marketing campaigns on social media Web sites.
  • Create content strategies for digital media.
  • Evaluate new emerging media or technologies and make recommendations for their application within Internet marketing or search marketing campaigns.
  • Execute or manage social media campaigns to inform search marketing tactics.
  • Identify and develop commercial or technical specifications, such as usability, pricing, checkout, or data security, to promote transactional internet-enabled commerce functionality.

  • Develop computer or information security policies or procedures.
  • Develop performance metrics or standards related to information technology.
  • Prepare graphics or other visual representations of information.
  • Recommend changes to improve computer or information systems.