How do they match: Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers

  • Biomedical Technician
  • Biomedical Electronics Technician
  • Biomedical Engineering Technician
  • Biomedical Equipment Technician

  • Design and deliver technology, such as prosthetic devices, to assist people with disabilities.
  • Develop methodologies for transferring procedures or biological processes from laboratories to commercial-scale manufacturing production.
  • Prepare technical reports, data summary documents, or research articles for scientific publication, regulatory submissions, or patent applications.

  • Communicate technical information to suppliers, contractors, or regulatory agencies.
  • Confer with technical personnel to prepare designs or operational plans.
  • Develop technical methods or processes.
  • Prepare technical reports for internal use.
  • Recommend technical design or process changes to improve efficiency, quality, or performance.
  • Supervise engineering or other technical personnel.
  • Update technical knowledge.