How do they match: Mechanical Engineers

  • Perform engineering duties in planning and designing tools, engines, machines, and other mechanically functioning equipment. Oversee installation, operation, maintenance, and repair of equipment such as centralized heat, gas, water, and steam systems.

  • Assist drafters in developing the structural design of products, using drafting tools or computer-assisted drafting equipment or software.
  • Calculate energy losses for buildings, using equipment such as computers, combustion analyzers, or pressure gauges.
  • Recommend the use of utility or energy services that minimize carbon footprints.
  • Select or install combined heat units, power units, cogeneration equipment, or trigeneration equipment that reduces energy use or pollution.

  • Advise customers on the use of products or services.
  • Confer with technical personnel to prepare designs or operational plans.
  • Evaluate plans or specifications to determine technological or environmental implications.
  • Review technical documents to plan work.
  • Select tools, equipment, or technologies for use in operations or projects.