How do they match: Robotics Engineers

  • Robotics Application Engineer
  • Robotics Specialist

  • Research, design, develop, or test robotic applications.

  • Build, configure, or test robots or robotic applications.
  • Design or program robotics systems for environmental clean-up applications to minimize human exposure to toxic or hazardous materials or to improve the quality or speed of clean-up operations.
  • Design robotics applications for manufacturers of green products, such as wind turbines or solar panels, to increase production time, eliminate waste, or reduce costs.
  • Design software to control robotic systems for applications, such as military defense or manufacturing.
  • Document robotic application development, maintenance, or changes.
  • Write algorithms or programming code for ad hoc robotic applications.

  • Develop software or computer applications.
  • Evaluate designs or specifications to ensure quality.
  • Research advanced engineering designs or applications.