How do they match: Social and Human Service Assistants

  • Therapeutic Assistant
  • Youth Advocate
  • Youth Counselor
  • Youth Development Practitioner
  • Youth Worker
  • Child and Youth Care Practitioner

  • Inform tenants of facilities, such as laundries or playgrounds.
  • Assist in planning food budgets, using charts or sample budgets.
  • Demonstrate use and care of equipment for tenant use.
  • Interview individuals or family members to compile information on social, educational, criminal, institutional, or drug history.
  • Meet with youth groups to acquaint them with consequences of delinquent acts.
  • Provide information or refer individuals to public or private agencies or community services for assistance.
  • Transport and accompany clients to shopping areas or to appointments, using automobile.
  • Visit individuals in homes or attend group meetings to provide information on agency services, requirements, or procedures.

  • Demonstrate activity techniques or equipment use.
  • Help clients get needed services or resources.
  • Interview clients to gather information about their backgrounds, needs, or progress.
  • Present social services program information to the public.
  • Provide basic information to guests, visitors, or clients.
  • Visit individuals in their homes to provide support or information.