How do they match: Special Education Teachers, Middle School

  • ESL Instructor
  • English as a Second Language Instructor
  • Remedial Reading, Math, or Other Subject Teacher

  • Instruct and monitor students in the use and care of equipment and materials to prevent injuries and damage.
  • Instruct students in daily living skills required for independent maintenance and self-sufficiency, such as hygiene, safety, and food preparation.
  • Instruct through lectures, discussions, and demonstrations in one or more subjects, such as English, mathematics, or social studies.
  • Collaborate with other teachers that provide instruction to special education students to ensure that the students receive appropriate support.
  • Employ special educational strategies and techniques during instruction to improve the development of sensory- and perceptual-motor skills, language, cognition, and memory.
  • Modify the general education curriculum for students with disabilities, based upon a variety of instructional techniques and instructional technology.
  • Plan and conduct activities for a balanced program of instruction, demonstration, and work time that provides students with opportunities to observe, question, and investigate.
  • Provide additional instruction in vocational areas.

  • Develop instructional objectives.
  • Distribute instructional or library materials.
  • Order instructional or library materials or equipment.