How do they match: Special Education Teachers, Secondary School

  • Exceptional Children's Teacher
  • Work Study Assistant

  • Employ special educational strategies and techniques during instruction to improve the development of sensory- and perceptual-motor skills, language, cognition, and memory.
  • Modify the general education curriculum for students with disabilities, based upon a variety of instructional techniques and technologies.
  • Monitor teachers and teacher assistants to ensure that they adhere to inclusive special education program requirements.
  • Perform administrative duties, such as school library assistance, hall and cafeteria monitoring, and bus loading and unloading.
  • Provide assistive devices, supportive technology, and assistance accessing facilities, such as restrooms.
  • Teach socially acceptable behavior, employing techniques such as behavior modification and positive reinforcement.

  • Assist students with special educational needs.
  • Tutor students who need extra assistance.