How do they match: Museum Technicians and Conservators

  • Restoration Coordinator
  • Restoration Technician
  • Ceramic Restorer
  • Document Restorer
  • Lace and Textiles Restorer
  • Paper and Prints Restorer

  • Restore, maintain, or prepare objects in museum collections for storage, research, or exhibit. May work with specimens such as fossils, skeletal parts, or botanicals; or artifacts, textiles, or art. May identify and record objects or install and arrange them in exhibits. Includes book or document conservators.

  • Clean objects, such as paper, textiles, wood, metal, glass, rock, pottery, and furniture, using cleansers, solvents, soap solutions, and polishes.
  • Estimate cost of restoration work.
  • Notify superior when restoration of artifacts requires outside experts.
  • Plan and conduct research to develop and improve methods of restoring and preserving specimens.
  • Repair, restore, and reassemble artifacts, designing and fabricating missing or broken parts, to restore them to their original appearance and prevent deterioration.
  • Study object documentation or conduct standard chemical and physical tests to ascertain the object's age, composition, original appearance, need for treatment or restoration, and appropriate preservation method.