How do they match: Fashion Designers

  • User Experience Designer
  • User Experience Director

  • Attend fashion shows and review garment magazines and manuals to gather information about fashion trends and consumer preferences.
  • Confer with sales and management executives or with clients to discuss design ideas.
  • Design custom clothing and accessories for individuals, retailers, or theatrical, television, or film productions.
  • Develop a group of products or accessories, and market them through venues such as boutiques or mail-order catalogs.
  • Draw patterns for articles designed, cut patterns, and cut material according to patterns, using measuring instruments and scissors.
  • Identify target markets for designs, looking at factors such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status.
  • Provide sample garments to agents and sales representatives, and arrange for showings of sample garments at sales meetings or fashion shows.
  • Purchase new or used clothing and accessory items as needed to complete designs.
  • Research the styles and periods of clothing needed for film or theatrical productions.
  • Select materials and production techniques to be used for products.
  • Sew together sections of material to form mockups or samples of garments or articles, using sewing equipment.

  • Conduct research to inform art, designs, or other work.
  • Write informational material.