How do they match: Physical Therapist Assistants

  • Assist physical therapists in providing physical therapy treatments and procedures. May, in accordance with state laws, assist in the development of treatment plans, carry out routine functions, document the progress of treatment, and modify specific treatments in accordance with patient status and within the scope of treatment plans established by a physical therapist. Generally requires formal training.

  • Fit patients for orthopedic braces, prostheses, or supportive devices, such as crutches.
  • Instruct patients in proper body mechanics and in ways to improve functional mobility, such as aquatic exercise.
  • Instruct, motivate, safeguard, and assist patients as they practice exercises or functional activities.
  • Train patients in the use of orthopedic braces, prostheses, or supportive devices.
  • Communicate with or instruct caregivers or family members on patient therapeutic activities or treatment plans.

  • Fit patients for assistive devices.
  • Train patients, family members, or caregivers in techniques for managing disabilities or illnesses.