How do they match: Amusement and Recreation Attendants

  • Equipment Manager
  • Athletic Equipment Manager

  • Perform a variety of attending duties at amusement or recreation facility. May schedule use of recreation facilities, maintain and provide equipment to participants of sporting events or recreational pursuits, or operate amusement concessions and rides.

  • Clean sporting equipment, vehicles, rides, booths, facilities, or grounds.
  • Inspect equipment to detect wear and damage and perform minor repairs, adjustments, or maintenance tasks, such as oiling parts.
  • Maintain inventories of equipment, storing and retrieving items and assembling and disassembling equipment as necessary.
  • Operate, drive, or explain the use of mechanical riding devices or other automatic equipment in amusement parks, carnivals, or recreation areas.
  • Rent, sell, or issue sporting equipment and supplies, such as bowling shoes, golf balls, swimming suits, or beach chairs.

  • Assist patrons with entering or exiting vehicles or other forms of transportation.
  • Clean tools or equipment.
  • Drive trucks or other vehicles to or at work sites.
  • Inspect equipment to ensure proper functioning.
  • Maintain supply or equipment inventories.