How do they match: Cargo and Freight Agents

  • Load Planner
  • Operations Agent
  • Operations Clerk
  • Operations Manager

  • Expedite and route movement of incoming and outgoing cargo and freight shipments in airline, train, and trucking terminals and shipping docks. Take orders from customers and arrange pickup of freight and cargo for delivery to loading platform. Prepare and examine bills of lading to determine shipping charges and tariffs.

  • Open cargo containers and unwrap contents, using steel cutters, crowbars, or other hand tools.
  • Assemble containers and crates used to transport items, such as machines or vehicles.
  • Direct delivery trucks to shipping doors or designated marshaling areas and help load and unload goods safely.
  • Direct or participate in cargo loading to ensure completeness of load and even distribution of weight.
  • Install straps, braces, and padding to loads to prevent shifting or damage during shipment.
  • Pack goods for shipping, using tools such as staplers, strapping machines, and hammers.

  • Load materials or equipment.
  • Operate vehicles or material-moving equipment.
  • Coordinate operational activities.
  • Maintain operational records.