How do they match: Desktop Publishers

  • Page Makeup System Operator

  • Format typescript and graphic elements using computer software to produce publication-ready material.

  • Convert various types of files for printing or for the Internet, using computer software.
  • Edit graphics and photos, using pixel or bitmap editing, airbrushing, masking, or image retouching.
  • Enter digitized data into electronic prepress system computer memory, using scanner, camera, keyboard, or mouse.
  • Import text and art elements, such as electronic clip art or electronic files from photographs that have been scanned or produced with a digital camera, using computer software.
  • Load floppy disks or tapes containing information into system.
  • Position text and art elements from a variety of databases in a visually appealing way to design print or web pages, using knowledge of type styles and size and layout patterns.
  • Prepare sample layouts for approval, using computer software.

  • Enter information into databases or software programs.
  • Send information, materials or documentation.