How do they match: Control and Valve Installers and Repairers, Except Mechanical Door

  • Control and Valve Installers and Repairers, Except Mechanical Door

  • Machinist
  • Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Control Technician
  • I and E Technician
  • Instrument and Controls Technician
  • Instrument and Electrical Technician
  • Instrument Control and Electrical Technician
  • Rocket Engine Component Mechanic
  • Valve and Regulator Repairer

  • Cut seats to receive new orifices, tap inspection ports, and perform other repairs to salvage usable materials, using hand tools and machine tools.
  • Measure tolerances of assembled and salvageable parts for conformance to standards or specifications, using gauges, micrometers, and calipers.
  • Recondition displacement type gas meters and governors, fabricating, machining, or modifying parts needed for repairs.

  • Advise others on issues related to repairs, installation, or equipment design.
  • Repair non-engine automotive or vehicle components.