How do they match: Range Managers

  • Range Managers

  • Forestry and Wildlife Manager
  • Land Management Supervisor
  • Natural Resource Management Specialist
  • Natural Resource Manager
  • Range Management Specialist
  • Rangeland Management Specialist
  • Real Estate Management Specialist
  • Refuge Manager
  • Resource Manager
  • Resources Management Specialist
  • Territory Manager
  • Wildlife Refuge Manager

  • Research or study range land management practices to provide sustained production of forage, livestock, and wildlife.

  • Plan and direct construction and maintenance of range improvements, such as fencing, corrals, stock-watering reservoirs, and soil-erosion control structures.
  • Plan and implement revegetation of disturbed sites.
  • Regulate grazing, such as by issuing permits and checking for compliance with standards, and help ranchers plan and organize grazing systems to manage, improve, protect, and maximize the use of rangelands.
  • Manage forage resources through fire, herbicide use, or revegetation to maintain a sustainable yield from the land.
  • Coordinate with federal land managers and other agencies and organizations to manage and protect rangelands.
  • Develop technical standards and specifications used to manage, protect, and improve the natural resources of range lands and related grazing lands.
  • Mediate agreements among rangeland users and preservationists as to appropriate land use and management.
  • Offer advice to rangeland users on water management, forage production methods, and control of brush.
  • Study rangeland management practices and research range problems to provide sustained production of forage, livestock, and wildlife.
  • Tailor conservation plans to landowners' goals, such as livestock support, wildlife, or recreation.

  • Plan natural resources conservation or restoration programs.
  • Manage agricultural or forestry operations.
  • Advise others about land management or conservation.
  • Determine operational compliance with regulations or standards.
  • Develop plans to manage natural or renewable resources.
  • Develop environmental sustainability plans or projects.
  • Research crop management methods.
  • Research livestock management methods.