How do they match: Art Therapists

  • Activity Therapy Specialist
  • Art Therapy Certified Supervisor
  • Art Therapy Specialist

  • Plan or conduct art therapy sessions or programs to improve clients' physical, cognitive, or emotional well-being.

  • Analyze data to determine the effectiveness of treatments or therapy approaches.
  • Analyze or synthesize client data to draw conclusions or make recommendations for art therapy.
  • Conduct art therapy sessions, providing guided self-expression experiences to help clients recover from, or cope with, cognitive, emotional, or physical impairments.
  • Customize art therapy programs for specific client populations, such as those in schools, nursing homes, wellness centers, prisons, shelters, or hospitals.
  • Design art therapy sessions or programs to meet client's goals or objectives.
  • Develop individualized treatment plans that incorporate studio art therapy, counseling, or psychotherapy techniques.
  • Establish goals or objectives for art therapy sessions in consultation with clients or site administrators.
  • Observe and document client reactions, progress, or other outcomes related to art therapy.
  • Review research or literature in art therapy, psychology, or related disciplines.
  • Select or prepare artistic media or related equipment or devices to accomplish therapy session objectives.
  • Talk with clients during art or other therapy sessions to build rapport, acknowledge their progress, or reflect upon their reactions to the artistic process.
  • Teach art therapy techniques or processes to artists, interns, volunteers, or others.

  • Analyze quantitative data to determine effectiveness of treatments or therapies.
  • Develop treatment plans that use non-medical therapies.
  • Treat patients using psychological therapies.