How do they match: Loss Prevention Managers

  • Advise retail managers on compliance with applicable codes, laws, regulations, or standards.
  • Analyze retail data to identify current or emerging trends in theft or fraud.
  • Assess security needs across locations to ensure proper deployment of loss prevention resources, such as staff and technology.
  • Collaborate with law enforcement to investigate and solve external theft or fraud cases.
  • Coordinate theft and fraud investigations involving career criminals or organized group activities.
  • Coordinate or conduct internal investigations of problems such as employee theft and violations of corporate loss prevention policies.
  • Develop and maintain partnerships with federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies or members of the retail loss prevention community.
  • Investigate or interview individuals suspected of shoplifting or internal theft.
  • Supervise surveillance, detection, or criminal processing related to theft and criminal cases.
  • Verify correct use and maintenance of physical security systems, such as closed-circuit television, merchandise tags, and burglar alarms.

  • Develop computer or information systems.
  • Interview employees, customers, or others to collect information.