How do they match: Health Informatics Specialists

  • Nurse Informaticist
  • Nurse Informatics Educator
  • Nurse Informatics Specialist
  • Nursing Informatics Analyst
  • Nursing Informatics Clinical Analyst
  • Nursing Informatics Officer
  • Nursing Informatics Specialist
  • Clinical EHR Nurse
  • Clinical Electronic Health Record Nurse
  • Clinical Informatics Nurse
  • Informatics Nurse
  • Informatics Nurse Specialist
  • Informatics Resource Nurse
  • QC Nurse
  • Quality Control Nurse
  • Registered Nurse Clinical Information Systems Coordinator
  • Registered Nurse Clinical Information Systems Educator
  • Telehealth Nurse
  • Telehealth Nurse Educator
  • Test Development Nurse Specialist

  • Apply knowledge of nursing and informatics to assist in the design, development, and ongoing modification of computerized health care systems. May educate staff and assist in problem solving to promote the implementation of the health care system.

  • Analyze and interpret patient, nursing, or information systems data to improve nursing services.
  • Analyze computer and information technologies to determine applicability to nursing practice, education, administration, and research.
  • Apply knowledge of computer science, information science, nursing, and informatics theory to nursing practice, education, administration, or research, in collaboration with other health informatics specialists.
  • Design, conduct, or provide support to nursing informatics research.
  • Develop or implement policies or practices to ensure the privacy, confidentiality, or security of patient information.
  • Develop strategies, policies or procedures for introducing, evaluating, or modifying information technology applied to nursing practice, administration, education, or research.
  • Develop, implement, or evaluate health information technology applications, tools, processes, or structures to assist nurses with data management.
  • Disseminate information about nursing informatics science and practice to the profession, other health care professions, nursing students, and the public.
  • Identify, collect, record, or analyze data relevant to the nursing care of patients.
  • Provide consultation to nurses regarding hardware or software configuration.
  • Translate nursing practice information between nurses and systems engineers, analysts, or designers, using object-oriented models or other techniques.