How do they match: Video Game Designers

  • Game Engineer
  • Gameplay Engineer
  • Mobile Game Engineer
  • Video Game Engineer

  • Design core features of video games. Specify innovative game and role-play mechanics, story lines, and character biographies. Create and maintain design documentation. Guide and collaborate with production staff to produce games as designed.

  • Create core game features, including storylines, role-play mechanics, and character biographies for a new video game or game franchise.
  • Develop and maintain design level documentation, including mechanics, guidelines, and mission outlines.
  • Keep abreast of game design technology and techniques, industry trends, or audience interests, reactions, and needs by reviewing current literature, talking with colleagues, participating in educational programs, attending meetings or workshops, or participating in professional organizations or conferences.

  • Manage information technology projects or system activities.
  • Supervise information technology personnel.
  • Update knowledge about emerging industry or technology trends.