How do they match: Hydrologists

  • Research the distribution, circulation, and physical properties of underground and surface waters; and study the form and intensity of precipitation and its rate of infiltration into the soil, movement through the earth, and return to the ocean and atmosphere.

  • Design and conduct scientific hydrogeological investigations to ensure that accurate and appropriate information is available for use in water resource management decisions.
  • Design civil works associated with hydrographic activities and supervise their construction, installation, and maintenance.
  • Prepare hydrogeologic evaluations of known or suspected hazardous waste sites and land treatment and feedlot facilities.
  • Prepare written and oral reports describing research results, using illustrations, maps, appendices, and other information.
  • Administer programs designed to ensure the proper sealing of abandoned wells.
  • Compile and evaluate hydrologic information to prepare navigational charts and maps and to predict atmospheric conditions.
  • Conduct research and communicate information to promote the conservation and preservation of water resources.
  • Develop computer models for hydrologic predictions.
  • Investigate complaints or conflicts related to the alteration of public waters, gathering information, recommending alternatives, informing participants of progress, and preparing draft orders.

  • Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.