How do they match: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers

  • Assist clients in adhering to treatment plans, such as setting up appointments, arranging for transportation to appointments, or providing support.
  • Counsel clients in individual or group sessions to assist them in dealing with substance abuse, mental or physical illness, poverty, unemployment, or physical abuse.
  • Counsel or aid family members to assist them in understanding, dealing with, or supporting the client or patient.
  • Develop or advise on social policy or assist in community development.
  • Interview clients, review records, conduct assessments, or confer with other professionals to evaluate the mental or physical condition of clients or patients.
  • Refer patient, client, or family to community resources for housing or treatment to assist in recovery from mental or physical illness, following through to ensure service efficacy.

  • Assist clients in handling details of daily life.
  • Collaborate with other professionals to assess client needs or plan treatments.
  • Maintain professional social services knowledge.