How do they match: Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products

  • Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products

  • Business to Business Sales Representative
  • Barber and Beauty Equipment Sales Representative
  • Barber and Beauty Supplies Sales Representative
  • Field Marketing Representative
  • Hobbies and Crafts Sales Representative
  • Hotel and Restaurant Equipment Sales Representative
  • Hotel and Restaurant Supply Sales Representative

  • Sell goods for wholesalers or manufacturers to businesses or groups of individuals. Work requires substantial knowledge of items sold.

  • Identify prospective customers by using business directories, following leads from existing clients, participating in organizations and clubs, and attending trade shows and conferences.
  • Monitor market conditions, product innovations, and competitors' products, prices, and sales.

  • Maintain records of sales or other business transactions.
  • Monitor market conditions or trends.
  • Prepare financial documents, reports, or budgets.