How do they match: Roofers

  • Commercial Roofing Technician
  • Roof Service Technician
  • Roofing Technician

  • Cover roofs of structures with shingles, slate, asphalt, aluminum, wood, or related materials. May spray roofs, sidings, and walls with material to bind, seal, insulate, or soundproof sections of structures.

  • Attach solar panels to existing roofs, according to specifications and without damaging roofing materials or the structural integrity of buildings.
  • Cover roofs or exterior walls of structures with slate, asphalt, aluminum, wood, gravel, gypsum, or related materials, using brushes, knives, punches, hammers, or other tools.
  • Install attic ventilation systems, such as turbine vents, gable or ridge vents, or conventional or solar-powered exhaust fans.
  • Install skylights on roofs to increase natural light inside structures or to reduce energy costs.
  • Spray roofs, sidings, or walls to bind, seal, insulate, or soundproof sections of structures, using spray guns, air compressors, or heaters.

  • Assemble temporary equipment or structures.
  • Install green structural components, equipment or systems.
  • Install insulation in equipment or structures.