How do they match: Power Plant Operators

  • Electric Operator
  • Instrument and Control Tech
  • Instrument and Control Technician
  • Instrumentation, Controls, and Electrical Systems Technician
  • O and M Specialist
  • O and M Tech
  • Operations and Maintenance Specialist
  • Operations and Maintenance Technician
  • Operations and Management Tech
  • Operations and Management Technician
  • Turbo Electric Operator

  • Control, operate, or maintain machinery to generate electric power. Includes auxiliary equipment operators.

  • Repair or replace gas piping.
  • Adjust controls to generate specified electrical power or to regulate the flow of power between generating stations and substations.
  • Analyze the layout, instrumentation, or function of electrical generation or transmission facilities.
  • Control generator output to match the phase, frequency, or voltage of electricity supplied to panels.
  • Examine and test electrical power distribution machinery and equipment, using testing devices.
  • Make adjustments or minor repairs, such as tightening leaking gland or pipe joints.
  • Operate landfill gas, methane, or natural gas fueled electrical generation systems.
  • Operate or maintain distributed power generation equipment, including fuel cells or microturbines, to produce energy on-site for manufacturing or other commercial purposes.
  • Operate, control, or monitor gasifiers or related equipment, such as coolers, water quenches, water gas shifts reactors, or sulfur recovery units, to produce syngas or electricity from coal.
  • Operate, control, or monitor integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) or related equipment, such as air separation units, to generate electricity from coal.
  • Place standby emergency electrical generators on line in emergencies and monitor the temperature, output, and lubrication of the system.
  • Trace electrical circuitry to ensure compliance of electrical systems with applicable codes or laws.

  • Repair production equipment or tools.
  • Notify others of equipment repair or maintenance needs.
  • Test electrical equipment or systems to ensure proper functioning.