How do they match: Etchers and Engravers

  • Machine Engraver
  • Machine Precision Engraver
  • Machine Precision Etcher
  • Acid Etch Operator
  • Award Machine Operator
  • Cold Etch Operator
  • Engraving Equipment Operator
  • Enhanced Environmental Operator
  • Equipment Operator
  • Etching Operator
  • Jogger Operator
  • Rework Operator

  • Adjust depths and sizes of cuts by adjusting heights of worktables, or by adjusting machine-arm gauges.
  • Determine machine settings, and move bars or levers to reproduce designs on rollers or plates.
  • Insert cutting tools or bits into machines and secure them with wrenches.
  • Neutralize workpieces to remove acid, wax, or enamel, using water, solvents, brushes, or specialized machines.
  • Start machines and lower cutting tools to beginning points on patterns.

  • Operate cutting equipment.
  • Operate equipment to print images or bind printed images together.
  • Review blueprints or other instructions to determine operational methods or sequences.