How do they match: Web Developers

  • Back End Software Engineer
  • Front End Software Engineer
  • Web Software Engineer
  • Web Producer
  • Website Manager

  • Collaborate with management or users to develop e-commerce strategies and to integrate these strategies with Web sites.
  • Communicate with network personnel or Web site hosting agencies to address hardware or software issues affecting Web sites.
  • Confer with management or development teams to prioritize needs, resolve conflicts, develop content criteria, or choose solutions.
  • Design, build, or maintain Web sites, using authoring or scripting languages, content creation tools, management tools, and digital media.
  • Evaluate or recommend server hardware or software.
  • Perform Web site tests according to planned schedules, or after any Web site or product revision.
  • Provide clear, detailed descriptions of Web site specifications, such as product features, activities, software, communication protocols, programming languages, and operating systems software and hardware.

  • Conduct research to gain information about products or processes.
  • Evaluate utility of software or hardware technologies.
  • Test software performance.