How do they match: Occupational Health and Safety Specialists

  • Work Environment Safety Inspector
  • Certified Industrial Hygienist
  • Chemical Hygiene Officer
  • Industrial Hygiene Technician
  • Industrial Hygienist
  • Industrial Hygienist Consultant

  • Review, evaluate, and analyze work environments and design programs and procedures to control, eliminate, and prevent disease or injury caused by chemical, physical, and biological agents or ergonomic factors. May conduct inspections and enforce adherence to laws and regulations governing the health and safety of individuals. May be employed in the public or private sector.

  • Develop or maintain hygiene programs, such as noise surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys, or asbestos management plans.
  • Order suspension of activities that pose threats to workers' health or safety.
  • Recommend measures to help protect workers from potentially hazardous work methods, processes, or materials.

  • Inspect work environments to ensure safety.
  • Investigate safety of work environment.