How do they match: Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors

  • Career Technical Counselor
  • Pupil Personnel Worker
  • Student Support Counselor

  • Counsel individuals or groups to help them understand and overcome personal, social, or behavioral problems affecting their educational or vocational situations.
  • Evaluate students' or individuals' abilities, interests, and personality characteristics, using tests, records, interviews, or professional sources.
  • Instruct individuals in career development techniques, such as job search and application strategies, resume writing, and interview skills.
  • Provide students with disabilities with assistive devices, supportive technology, and assistance accessing facilities, such as restrooms.
  • Provide students with information on topics such as college degree programs and admission requirements, financial aid opportunities, trade and technical schools, and apprenticeship programs.

  • Counsel clients or patients regarding personal issues.