How do they match: Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary

  • Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary

  • Health Assessment and Treatment Teacher
  • Health Diagnostics Teacher
  • Health Education Teacher
  • Health Records Technology Teacher
  • Health Teacher
  • Health and Safety Instructor
  • Home Care and Home Health Aides Teacher
  • Mental Health Aides Teacher
  • Public Health Aides Teacher
  • Public Health Professor
  • Public Health Teacher

  • Teach courses in health specialties, in fields such as dentistry, laboratory technology, medicine, pharmacy, public health, therapy, and veterinary medicine.

  • Prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate or graduate students on topics such as public health, stress management, and work site health promotion.
  • Serve on academic or administrative committees that deal with institutional policies, departmental matters, and academic issues.