How do they match: Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary

  • Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary

  • Teacher
  • Educational Therapy Teacher
  • Activity Therapy Teacher
  • Anatomy Teacher
  • Anesthesiology Teacher
  • Childbirth Teacher
  • Chiropractic Teacher
  • Clinical Education Academic Coordinator
  • Clinical Laboratory Aides Teacher
  • Clinical Laboratory Service Teacher
  • Coding Educator
  • Correctional Therapy Teacher
  • Corrective Therapy Aide Teacher
  • Dental Assistant Teacher
  • Dental Hygiene Teacher
  • Dental Laboratory Technology Teacher
  • Dentistry Teacher
  • Dermatology Teacher
  • Dietary Aide Teacher
  • Dietetics Teacher
  • Dietitian Teacher
  • First Aid Teacher
  • Gastroenterology Teacher
  • Gericare Aide Teacher
  • Gynecology Teacher
  • Health Teacher
  • Health Education Teacher
  • Health Assessment and Treatment Teacher
  • Health Diagnostics Teacher
  • Health Records Technology Teacher
  • Hearing Therapy Teacher
  • Histology Teacher
  • Home Care and Home Health Aides Teacher
  • Hospital Aides and Assistants Teacher
  • Hygiene Teacher
  • Immunology Teacher
  • Infant Care Teacher
  • Inhalation Therapy Teacher
  • Inhalation Therapy Aides Teacher
  • Laboratory Technology Teacher
  • Manual Arts Therapy Teacher
  • Medical Aides Teacher
  • Medical Pathology Teacher
  • Medicine Teacher
  • Mental Health Aides Teacher
  • Music Therapy Teacher
  • Neurological Surgery Teacher
  • Neurology Teacher
  • Nutrition Teacher
  • Nutrition Educator
  • Nutrition Aides Teacher
  • Obstetrics Teacher
  • Occupational Therapy Teacher
  • Occupational Therapy Aides Teacher
  • Opticianry Teacher
  • Optometry Teacher
  • Orderlies Teacher
  • Orthopedics Teacher
  • Osteopathic Medicine Teacher
  • Otolaryngology Teacher
  • Oxygen Therapy Teacher
  • Pathology Teacher
  • Pathology Laboratory Aides Teacher
  • Pediatrics Teacher
  • Pharmacology Teacher
  • Pharmacy Teacher
  • Physical Medicine Teacher
  • Physical Therapy Teacher
  • Physiology Teacher
  • Podiatry Teacher
  • Prosthetic Aides Teacher
  • Psychiatric Aides Teacher
  • Psychiatry Teacher
  • Public Health Teacher
  • Public Health Aides Teacher
  • Radiologic Technology Teacher
  • Radiology Teacher
  • Recreation Therapy Teacher
  • Recreation Therapy Aides Teacher
  • Roentgenology Teacher
  • Serology Teacher
  • Speech Pathology Teacher
  • Speech Therapy Teacher
  • Surgery Teacher
  • Surgical Aides Teacher
  • Therapy Teacher
  • Toxicology Teacher
  • Urology Teacher
  • Veterinary Medicine Teacher
  • Veterinary Science Teacher
  • Virology Teacher

  • Teach courses in health specialties, in fields such as dentistry, laboratory technology, medicine, pharmacy, public health, therapy, and veterinary medicine.

  • Collaborate with colleagues to address teaching and research issues.
  • Compile bibliographies of specialized materials for outside reading assignments.
  • Supervise undergraduate or graduate teaching, internship, and research work.

  • Teach physical science or mathematics courses at the college level.
  • Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
  • Compile specialized bibliographies or lists of materials.
  • Evaluate effectiveness of educational programs.
  • Promote educational institutions or programs.
  • Select educational materials or equipment.
  • Stay informed about current developments in field of specialization.