How do they match: Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators

  • Card Painter
  • Caricature Artist
  • Cartoon Artist
  • Cartoonist
  • Animated Cartoons Painter
  • Editorial Cartoonist
  • Ice Carver
  • Motion Picture Cartoonist
  • Motion Pictures Cartoonist
  • Political Cartoonist
  • Sports Cartoonist

  • Collaborate with writers who create ideas, stories, or captions that are combined with artists' work.
  • Create and prepare sketches and model drawings of cartoon characters, providing details from memory, live models, manufactured products, or reference materials.
  • Create finished art work as decoration, or to elucidate or substitute for spoken or written messages.
  • Create sculptures, statues, and other three-dimensional artwork by using abrasives and tools to shape, carve, and fabricate materials such as clay, stone, wood, or metal.
  • Cut, bend, laminate, arrange, and fasten individual or mixed raw and manufactured materials and products to form works of art.
  • Maintain portfolios of artistic work to demonstrate styles, interests, and abilities.
  • Provide entertainment at special events by performing activities such as drawing cartoons.
  • Render drawings, illustrations, and sketches of buildings, manufactured products, or models, working from sketches, blueprints, memory, models, or reference materials.
  • Study styles, techniques, colors, textures, and materials used in works undergoing restoration to ensure consistency during the restoration process.

  • Conduct research to inform art, designs, or other work.
  • Present work to clients for approval.