How do they match: Procurement Clerks

  • Procurement Clerks

  • Film Replacement Orderer
  • Procurement Clerk
  • Purchasing Clerk
  • Purchasing Department Clerk
  • Receiving Clerk
  • Warehouse Clerk

  • Compile information and records to draw up purchase orders for procurement of materials and services.

  • Calculate costs of orders, and charge or forward invoices to appropriate accounts.
  • Check shipments when they arrive to ensure that orders have been filled correctly and that goods meet specifications.
  • Compare suppliers' bills with bids and purchase orders to verify accuracy.
  • Determine if inventory quantities are sufficient for needs, ordering more materials when necessary.
  • Locate suppliers, using sources such as catalogs and the internet, and interview them to gather information about products to be ordered.
  • Prepare purchase orders and send copies to suppliers and to departments originating requests.
  • Respond to customer and supplier inquiries about order status, changes, or cancellations.
  • Review requisition orders to verify accuracy, terminology, and specifications.
  • Track the status of requisitions, contracts, and orders.

  • Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
  • Inspect shipments to ensure correct order fulfillment.