How do they match: Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assemblers

  • Installer
  • Aircraft De-Icer Installer
  • De-Icer Installer
  • General Installer
  • Harness Installer
  • Safety Glass Installer
  • Shield Installer
  • Skin Installer

  • Assemble, fit, fasten, and install parts of airplanes, space vehicles, or missiles, such as tails, wings, fuselage, bulkheads, stabilizers, landing gear, rigging and control equipment, or heating and ventilating systems.

  • Install accessories in swaging machines, using hand tools.
  • Install mechanical linkages and actuators, using tensiometers to verify tension of cables.
  • Align, fit, assemble, connect, or install system components, using jigs, fixtures, measuring instruments, hand tools, or power tools.
  • Fabricate parts needed for assembly or installation, using shop machinery or equipment.
  • Inspect or test installed units, parts, systems, or assemblies for fit, alignment, performance, defects, or compliance with standards, using measuring instruments or test equipment.
  • Layout and mark reference points and locations for installation of parts or components, using jigs, templates, or measuring and marking instruments.
  • Manually install structural assemblies or signal crane operators to position assemblies for joining.
  • Place and connect control cables to electronically controlled units, using hand tools, ring locks, cotter keys, threaded connectors, turnbuckles, or related devices.

  • Install mechanical components in production equipment.
  • Assemble electrical or electronic equipment.
  • Inspect installed components or assemblies.