How do they match: Power Plant Operators

  • Station Operator
  • Station Tender
  • Booster Pump Operator
  • Hydro Station Operator
  • Hydroelectric Station Operator
  • Power Station Operator

  • Adjust controls to generate specified electrical power or to regulate the flow of power between generating stations and substations.
  • Clean, lubricate, or maintain equipment, such as generators, turbines, pumps, or compressors, to prevent failure or deterioration.
  • Control or maintain auxiliary equipment, such as pumps, fans, compressors, condensers, feedwater heaters, filters, or chlorinators, to supply water, fuel, lubricants, air, or auxiliary power.
  • Inspect records or log book entries or communicate with plant personnel to assess equipment operating status.
  • Start or stop generators, auxiliary pumping equipment, turbines, or other power plant equipment as necessary.

  • Operate pumping systems or equipment.