How do they match: Petroleum Pump System Operators, Refinery Operators, and Gaugers

  • Gas House Tech
  • Gas House Technician
  • Gasoline Plant Operator
  • Specialty Gas Blender

  • Operate or control petroleum refining or processing units. May specialize in controlling manifold and pumping systems, gauging or testing oil in storage tanks, or regulating the flow of oil into pipelines.

  • Calculate test result values, using standard formulas.
  • Perform tests to check the qualities and grades of products, such as assessing levels of bottom sediment, water, and foreign materials in oil samples, using centrifugal testers.
  • Read and analyze specifications, schedules, logs, test results, and laboratory recommendations to determine how to set equipment controls to produce the required qualities and quantities of products.

  • Test chemical or physical characteristics of materials or products.
  • Analyze test results.
  • Collect samples of materials or products for testing.