How do they match: Chemical Equipment Operators and Tenders

  • Para Machine Operator
  • Caustic Preparer
  • Ripening Room Hand
  • Viscose Cellar Charge Hand

  • Add treating or neutralizing agents to products, and pump products through filters or centrifuges to remove impurities or to precipitate products.
  • Adjust controls to regulate temperature, pressure, feed, or flow of liquids or gases and times of prescribed reactions, according to knowledge of equipment and processes.
  • Dump or scoop prescribed solid, granular, or powdered materials into equipment.
  • Make minor repairs, lubricate, and maintain equipment, using hand tools.
  • Observe safety precautions to prevent fires or explosions.
  • Read plant specifications to determine products, ingredients, or prescribed modifications of plant procedures.
  • Record operational data, such as temperatures, pressures, ingredients used, processing times, or test results.