How do they match: Separating, Filtering, Clarifying, Precipitating, and Still Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders

  • Natural Gas Treating Unit Operator

  • Set up, operate, or tend continuous flow or vat-type equipment; filter presses; shaker screens; centrifuges; condenser tubes; precipitating, fermenting, or evaporating tanks; scrubbing towers; or batch stills. These machines extract, sort, or separate liquids, gases, or solids from other materials to recover a refined product. Includes dairy processing equipment operators.

  • Test samples to determine viscosity, acidity, specific gravity, or degree of concentration, using test equipment such as viscometers, pH meters, or hydrometers.
  • Maintain logs of instrument readings, test results, or shift production for entry in computer databases.

  • Test chemical or physical characteristics of materials or products.
  • Collect samples of materials or products for testing.