How do they match: Etchers and Engravers

  • Glass Calibrator
  • Glass Decorator
  • Glass Engraver
  • Glass Etcher
  • Glass Products Engraver
  • Machine Engraver
  • Machine Precision Engraver
  • Machine Precision Etcher
  • Award Machine Operator
  • Optical Glass Etcher

  • Engrave or etch metal, wood, rubber, or other materials. Includes such workers as etcher-circuit processors, pantograph engravers, and silk screen etchers.

  • Adjust depths and sizes of cuts by adjusting heights of worktables, or by adjusting machine-arm gauges.
  • Determine machine settings, and move bars or levers to reproduce designs on rollers or plates.
  • Engrave and print patterns, designs, etchings, trademarks, or lettering onto flat or curved surfaces of a wide variety of metal, glass, plastic, or paper items, using hand tools or hand-held power tools.
  • Insert cutting tools or bits into machines and secure them with wrenches.
  • Inspect etched work for depth of etching, uniformity, and defects, using calibrated microscopes, gauges, fingers, or magnifying lenses.
  • Neutralize workpieces to remove acid, wax, or enamel, using water, solvents, brushes, or specialized machines.
  • Remove wax or tape from etched glassware by using a stylus or knife, or by immersing ware in hot water.
  • Sandblast exposed areas of glass to cut designs in surfaces, using spray guns.
  • Select and insert required templates into pattern frames beneath the stylus of a machine cutting tool or router.
  • Start machines and lower cutting tools to beginning points on patterns.