How do they match: Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers

  • Follow special cargo-related procedures, such as checking refrigeration systems for frozen foods or providing food or water for livestock.
  • Maintain logs of working hours or of vehicle service or repair status, following applicable state and federal regulations.
  • Obtain receipts or signatures for delivered goods and collect payment for services when required.
  • Operate equipment, such as truck cab computers, CB radios, phones, or global positioning systems (GPS) equipment to exchange necessary information with bases, supervisors, or other drivers.
  • Operate idle reduction systems or auxiliary power systems to generate power from alternative sources, such as fuel cells, to reduce idling time, to heat or cool truck cabins, or to provide power for other equipment.
  • Plan or adjust routes based on changing conditions, using computer equipment, global positioning systems (GPS) equipment, or other navigation devices, to minimize fuel consumption and carbon emissions.

  • Operate communications equipment or systems.
  • Record service or repair activities.