How do they match: Rail Yard Engineers, Dinkey Operators, and Hostlers

  • Car Barn Laborer
  • Car Mover
  • Carman
  • Ingot Car Operator
  • Larry Car Operator
  • Work Car Operator

  • Couple and uncouple air hoses and electrical connections between cars.
  • Drive engines within railroad yards or other establishments to couple, uncouple, or switch railroad cars.
  • Operate track switches, derails, automatic switches, and retarders to change routing of train or cars.
  • Read switching instructions and daily car schedules to determine work to be performed, or receive orders from yard conductors.
  • Record numbers of cars available, numbers of cars sent to repair stations, and types of service needed.
  • Ride on moving cars by holding onto grab irons and standing on ladder steps.
  • Spot cars for loading and unloading at customer locations.