Certification: Professional Port Manager (AAPA/PPM)

1010 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314

The American Association of Port Authorities offers the designation of Professional Port Manager (AAPA/PPM). The objectives are to: further the Association's goals to enhance port management professionalism and to assist public port authorities hiring or promoting qualified seaport managers and professionals; develop future port leaders by exposing up and coming staff to a wide range of port management issues, while building relationships across the port network; and, to create a body of research that will support the professional and technical objectives of the public seaport industry.

More than two years of education or training after high school required?
More than two years of work experience required?
Oral or Written Exam Required?


The certification has an education level of an Associates of Arts or Associates of Sciences degree or higher and has a work experience requirement of more than 2 years, or requires obtaining a ‘core’ level certification from the same organization.