- Monitor industry statistics and follow trends in trade literature.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Monitor developments in the fields of industrial technology, business, finance, and economic theory.
- Monitor fundamental economic, industrial, and corporate developments by analyzing information from financial publications and services, investment banking firms, government agencies, trade publications, company sources, or personal interviews.
- Evaluate capital needs of clients and assess market conditions to inform structuring of financial packages.
- Advise clients on aspects of capitalization, such as amounts, sources, or timing.
- Analyze financial or operational performance of companies facing financial difficulties to identify or recommend remedies.
- Assess companies as investments for clients by examining company facilities.
- Collaborate on projects with other professionals, such as lawyers, accountants, or public relations experts.
- Collaborate with investment bankers to attract new corporate clients.
- Conduct financial analyses related to investments in green construction or green retrofitting projects.
- Confer with clients to restructure debt, refinance debt, or raise new debt.
- Create client presentations of plan details.
- Determine the prices at which securities should be syndicated and offered to the public.
- Develop and maintain client relationships.
- Draw charts and graphs, using computer spreadsheets, to illustrate technical reports.
- Employ financial models to develop solutions to financial problems or to assess the financial or capital impact of transactions.
- Evaluate and compare the relative quality of various securities in a given industry.
- Inform investment decisions by analyzing financial information to forecast business, industry, or economic conditions.
- Interpret data on price, yield, stability, future investment-risk trends, economic influences, and other factors affecting investment programs.
- Perform securities valuation or pricing.
- Prepare all materials for transactions or execution of deals.
- Prepare plans of action for investment, using financial analyses.
- Present oral or written reports on general economic trends, individual corporations, and entire industries.
- Purchase investments for companies in accordance with company policy.
- Recommend investments and investment timing to companies, investment firm staff, or the public.
- Specialize in green financial instruments, such as socially responsible mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETF) that are comprised of green companies.
- Supervise, train, or mentor junior team members.
- Monitor developments in the fields of industrial technology, business, finance, and economic theory.
- Monitor fundamental economic, industrial, and corporate developments by analyzing information from financial publications and services, investment banking firms, government agencies, trade publications, company sources, or personal interviews.
- Evaluate capital needs of clients and assess market conditions to inform structuring of financial packages.
- Monitor developments in the fields of industrial technology, business, finance, and economic theory.
- Track, measure, or report on aspects of market risk for traded issues.
- Analyze areas of potential risk to the assets, earning capacity, or success of organizations.
- Analyze new legislation to determine impact on risk exposure.
- Conduct statistical analyses to quantify risk, using statistical analysis software or econometric models.
- Confer with traders to identify and communicate risks associated with specific trading strategies or positions.
- Consult financial literature to ensure use of the latest models or statistical techniques.
- Contribute to development of risk management systems.
- Determine potential environmental impacts of new products or processes on long-term growth and profitability.
- Develop contingency plans to deal with emergencies.
- Develop or implement risk-assessment models or methodologies.
- Devise scenario analyses reflecting possible severe market events.
- Devise systems or processes to monitor validity of risk assessments.
- Document, and ensure communication of, key risks.
- Draw charts and graphs, using computer spreadsheets, to illustrate technical reports.
- Evaluate and compare the relative quality of various securities in a given industry.
- Evaluate the risks and benefits involved in implementing green building technologies.
- Evaluate the risks related to green investments, such as renewable energy company stocks.
- Gather risk-related data from internal or external resources.
- Identify key risks and mitigating factors of potential investments, such as asset types and values, legal and ownership structures, professional reputations, customer bases, or industry segments.
- Inform financial decisions by analyzing financial information to forecast business, industry, or economic conditions.
- Interpret data on price, yield, stability, future investment-risk trends, economic influences, and other factors affecting investment programs.
- Maintain input or data quality of risk management systems.
- Meet with clients to answer queries on subjects such as risk exposure, market scenarios, or values-at-risk calculations.
- Prepare plans of action for investment, using financial analyses.
- Produce reports or presentations that outline findings, explain risk positions, or recommend changes.
- Provide statistical modeling advice to other departments.
- Recommend investments and investment timing to companies, investment firm staff, or the public.
- Recommend ways to control or reduce risk.
- Review or draft risk disclosures for offer documents.
- Monitor developments in the fields of industrial technology, business, finance, and economic theory.
- Track, measure, or report on aspects of market risk for traded issues.
- Monitor or track sustainability indicators, such as energy usage, natural resource usage, waste generation, and recycling.
- Develop sustainability project goals, objectives, initiatives, or strategies in collaboration with other sustainability professionals.
- Assess or propose sustainability initiatives, considering factors such as cost effectiveness, technical feasibility, and acceptance.
- Provide technical or administrative support for sustainability programs or issues.
- Review and revise sustainability proposals or policies.
- Develop reports or presentations to communicate the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives.
- Create or maintain plans or other documents related to sustainability projects.
- Collect information about waste stream management or green building practices to inform decision makers.
- Research or review regulatory, technical, or market issues related to sustainability.
- Identify or investigate violations of natural resources, waste management, recycling, or other environmental policies.
- Identify or create new sustainability indicators.
- Create marketing or outreach media, such as brochures or Web sites, to communicate sustainability issues, procedures, or objectives.
- Identify or procure needed resources to implement sustainability programs or projects.
- Write grant applications, rebate applications, or project proposals to secure funding for sustainability projects.
- Monitor or track sustainability indicators, such as energy usage, natural resource usage, waste generation, and recycling.
- Identify, track, or maintain metrics for trading system operations.
- Apply mathematical or statistical techniques to address practical issues in finance, such as derivative valuation, securities trading, risk management, or financial market regulation.
- Research or develop analytical tools to address issues such as portfolio construction or optimization, performance measurement, attribution, profit and loss measurement, or pricing models.
- Interpret results of financial analysis procedures.
- Develop core analytical capabilities or model libraries, using advanced statistical, quantitative, or econometric techniques.
- Define or recommend model specifications or data collection methods.
- Produce written summary reports of financial research results.
- Maintain or modify all financial analytic models in use.
- Provide application or analytical support to researchers or traders on issues such as valuations or data.
- Devise or apply independent models or tools to help verify results of analytical systems.
- Collaborate in the development or testing of new analytical software to ensure compliance with user requirements, specifications, or scope.
- Confer with other financial engineers or analysts on trading strategies, market dynamics, or trading system performance to inform development of quantitative techniques.
- Consult traders or other financial industry personnel to determine the need for new or improved analytical applications.
- Research new financial products or analytics to determine their usefulness.
- Develop methods of assessing or measuring corporate performance in terms of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.
- Collaborate with product development teams to research, model, validate, or implement quantitative structured solutions for new or expanded markets.
- Prepare requirements documentation for use by software developers.
- Develop solutions to help clients hedge carbon exposure or risk.
- Develop tools to assess green technologies or green financial products, such as green hedge funds or social responsibility investment funds.
- Assess the potential impact of climate change on business financial issues, such as damage repairs, insurance costs, or potential disruptions of daily activities.
- Analyze pricing or risks of carbon trading products.
- Identify, track, or maintain metrics for trading system operations.
- Develop or track quality metrics.
- Coordinate efforts associated with the preparation of regulatory documents or submissions.
- Communicate with regulatory agencies regarding pre-submission strategies, potential regulatory pathways, compliance test requirements, or clarification and follow-up of submissions under review.
- Prepare or direct the preparation of additional information or responses as requested by regulatory agencies.
- Coordinate, prepare, or review regulatory submissions for domestic or international projects.
- Prepare or maintain technical files as necessary to obtain and sustain product approval.
- Interpret regulatory rules or rule changes and ensure that they are communicated through corporate policies and procedures.
- Determine the types of regulatory submissions or internal documentation that are required in situations such as proposed device changes or labeling changes.
- Coordinate recall or market withdrawal activities as necessary.
- Advise project teams on subjects such as premarket regulatory requirements, export and labeling requirements, or clinical study compliance issues.
- Review adverse drug reactions and file all related reports in accordance with regulatory agency guidelines.
- Review product promotional materials, labeling, batch records, specification sheets, or test methods for compliance with applicable regulations and policies.
- Identify relevant guidance documents, international standards, or consensus standards.
- Provide technical review of data or reports to be incorporated into regulatory submissions to assure scientific rigor, accuracy, and clarity of presentation.
- Review clinical protocols to ensure collection of data needed for regulatory submissions.
- Provide pre-, ongoing, and post-inspection follow-up assistance to governmental inspectors.
- Maintain current knowledge base of existing and emerging regulations, standards, or guidance documents.
- Recommend changes to company procedures in response to changes in regulations or standards.
- Participate in internal or external audits.
- Compile and maintain regulatory documentation databases or systems.
- Write or update standard operating procedures, work instructions, or policies.
- Obtain and distribute updated information regarding domestic or international laws, guidelines, or standards.
- Develop or conduct employee regulatory training.
- Recommend adjudication of product complaints.
- Determine requirements applying to treatment, storage, shipment, or disposal of potentially hazardous production-related waste.
- Direct the collection and preparation of laboratory samples as requested by regulatory agencies.
- Prepare responses to customer requests for information, such as product data, written regulatory affairs statements, surveys, or questionnaires.
- Specialize in regulatory issues related to agriculture, such as the cultivation of green biotechnology crops or the post-market regulation of genetically altered crops.
- Determine regulations or procedures related to the management, collection, reuse, recovery, or recycling of packaging waste.
- Determine the legal implications of the production, supply, or use of ozone-depleting substances or equipment containing such substances.
- Develop or track quality metrics.
- Monitor industry standards, trends, or practices to identify developments in logistics planning or execution.
- Maintain databases of logistics information.
- Remotely monitor the flow of vehicles or inventory, using Web-based logistics information systems to track vehicles or containers.
- Communicate with or monitor service providers, such as ocean carriers, air freight forwarders, global consolidators, customs brokers, or trucking companies.
- Track product flow from origin to final delivery.
- Interpret data on logistics elements, such as availability, maintainability, reliability, supply chain management, strategic sourcing or distribution, supplier management, or transportation.
- Recommend improvements to existing or planned logistics processes.
- Apply analytic methods or tools to understand, predict, or control logistics operations or processes.
- Prepare reports on logistics performance measures.
- Enter logistics-related data into databases.
- Provide ongoing analyses in areas such as transportation costs, parts procurement, back orders, or delivery processes.
- Analyze logistics data, using methods such as data mining, data modeling, or cost or benefit analysis.
- Monitor inventory transactions at warehouse facilities to assess receiving, storage, shipping, or inventory integrity.
- Maintain logistics records in accordance with corporate policies.
- Contact carriers for rates or schedules.
- Manage systems to ensure that pricing structures adequately reflect logistics costing.
- Confer with logistics management teams to determine ways to optimize service levels, maintain supply-chain efficiency, or minimize cost.
- Compute reporting metrics, such as on-time delivery rates, order fulfillment rates, or inventory turns.
- Identify opportunities for inventory reductions.
- Review procedures, such as distribution or inventory management, to ensure maximum efficiency or minimum cost.
- Develop or maintain models for logistics uses, such as cost estimating or demand forecasting.
- Write or revise standard operating procedures for logistics processes.
- Reorganize shipping schedules to consolidate loads, maximize vehicle usage, or limit the movement of empty vehicles or containers.
- Contact potential vendors to determine material availability.
- Develop or maintain payment systems to ensure accuracy of vendor payments.
- Develop or maintain freight rate databases for use by supply chain departments to determine the most economical modes of transportation.
- Route or reroute drivers in real time with remote route navigation software, satellite linkup systems, or global positioning systems (GPS) to improve operational efficiencies.
- Determine packaging requirements.
- Enter carbon-output or environmental-impact data into spreadsheets or environmental management or auditing software programs.
- Compare locations or environmental policies of carriers or suppliers to make transportation decisions with lower environmental impact.
- Arrange for sale or lease of excess storage or transport capacity to minimize losses or inefficiencies associated with empty space.
- Monitor industry standards, trends, or practices to identify developments in logistics planning or execution.