How do they match: Anthropologists and Archeologists

  • Applied Anthropologist
  • Applied Cultural Anthropologist
  • American Indian Policy Specialist
  • Communication and Folklore Specialist
  • Policy Specialist
  • Public Policy Specialist

  • Apply traditional ecological knowledge and assessments of culturally distinctive land and resource management institutions to assist in the resolution of conflicts over habitat protection and resource enhancement.
  • Identify culturally specific beliefs and practices affecting health status and access to services for distinct populations and communities, in collaboration with medical and public health officials.
  • Research, survey, or assess sites of past societies and cultures in search of answers to specific research questions.
  • Train others in the application of ethnographic research methods to solve problems in organizational effectiveness, communications, technology development, policy making, and program planning.
  • Write about and present research findings for a variety of specialized and general audiences.

  • Apply knowledge or research findings to address environmental problems.
  • Collaborate with technical specialists to resolve design or development problems.