How do they match: Rehabilitation Counselors

  • Disability Service Coordinator
  • Employment Services Case Manager
  • Human Services Care Specialist
  • On-Site Services Specialist
  • Rehabilitation Services Coordinator
  • Rehabilitation Services Specialist
  • Vocational Services Specialist

  • Analyze information from interviews, educational and medical records, consultation with other professionals, and diagnostic evaluations to assess clients' abilities, needs, and eligibility for services.
  • Confer with clients to discuss their options and goals so that rehabilitation programs and plans for accessing needed services can be developed.
  • Develop rehabilitation plans that fit clients' aptitudes, education levels, physical abilities, and career goals.
  • Manage budgets and direct case service allocations, authorizing expenditures and payments.
  • Prepare and maintain records and case files, including documentation, such as clients' personal and eligibility information, services provided, narratives of client contacts, or relevant correspondence.

  • Arrange physical or mental health services for clients.
  • Collaborate with other professionals to develop education or assistance programs.
  • Counsel clients regarding educational or vocational issues.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of counseling or educational programs.
  • Refer individuals to educational or work programs.