How do they match: Veterinarians

  • Lab Animal Care Vet
  • Laboratory Animal Care Veterinarian
  • Public Health Vet
  • Public Health Veterinarian
  • Vet Hospital Manager
  • Veterinary Hospital Manager

  • Diagnose, treat, or research diseases and injuries of animals. Includes veterinarians who conduct research and development, inspect livestock, or care for pets and companion animals.

  • Advise animal owners regarding sanitary measures, feeding, general care, medical conditions, or treatment options.
  • Perform administrative or business management tasks, such as scheduling appointments, accepting payments from clients, budgeting, or maintaining business records.
  • Provide care to a wide range of animals or specialize in a particular species, such as horses or exotic birds.
  • Train or supervise workers who handle or care for animals.

  • Manage healthcare operations.
  • Communicate health and wellness information to the public.
  • Provide health and wellness advice to patients, program participants, or caregivers.
  • Provide care for animals.