How do they match: Pressers, Textile, Garment, and Related Materials

  • Hand Flatwork Finisher
  • Hand Ironer
  • Hand Presser
  • Handkerchief Presser
  • Millinery Blocker

  • Press or shape articles by hand or machine.

  • Finish fancy garments such as evening gowns and costumes, using hand irons to produce high quality finishes.
  • Finish pants, jackets, shirts, skirts and other dry-cleaned and laundered articles, using hand irons.
  • Finish pleated garments, determining sizes of pleats from evidence of old pleats or from work orders, using machine presses or hand irons.
  • Finish velvet garments by steaming them on bucks of hot-head presses or steam tables, and brushing pile (nap) with handbrushes.
  • Insert heated metal forms into ties and touch up rough places with hand irons.
  • Position materials such as cloth garments, felt, or straw on tables, dies, or feeding mechanisms of pressing machines, or on ironing boards or work tables.
  • Select, install, and adjust machine components, including pressing forms, rollers, and guides, using hoists and hand tools.
  • Shrink, stretch, or block articles by hand to conform to original measurements, using forms, blocks, and steam.
  • Slide material back and forth over heated, metal, ball-shaped forms to smooth and press portions of garments that cannot be satisfactorily pressed with flat pressers or hand irons.