How do they match: Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers

  • Production Truck Driver
  • Line Driver
  • Line Haul Driver

  • Couple or uncouple trailers by changing trailer jack positions, connecting or disconnecting air or electrical lines, or manipulating fifth-wheel locks.
  • Drive electric or hybrid-electric powered trucks or alternative fuel-powered trucks to transport and deliver products, livestock, or other materials.
  • Drive trucks with capacities greater than 13 tons, including tractor-trailer combinations, to transport and deliver products, livestock, or other materials.
  • Give directions to laborers who are packing goods and moving them onto trailers.
  • Wrap and secure goods using pads, packing paper, containers, or straps.

  • Package materials or products.
  • Connect cables or electrical lines.
  • Operate green energy production equipment.
  • Record operational or production data.