- Evaluate individuals' abilities, needs, and physical conditions, and develop suitable training programs to meet any special requirements.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Develop and coordinate educational programs for residents.
- Develop program plans for individuals or assist in plan development.
- Supervise, train, and evaluate residence hall staff, including resident assistants, participants in work-study programs, and other student workers.
- Communicate with other staff to resolve problems with individual students.
- Observe students to detect and report unusual behavior.
- Provide emergency first aid and summon medical assistance when necessary.
- Make regular rounds to ensure that residents and areas are safe and secure.
- Mediate interpersonal problems between residents.
- Enforce rules and regulations to ensure the smooth and orderly operation of dormitory programs.
- Determine the need for facility maintenance and repair, and notify appropriate personnel.
- Collaborate with counselors to develop counseling programs that address the needs of individual students.
- Provide requested information on students' progress and the development of case plans.
- Confer with medical personnel to better understand the backgrounds and needs of individual residents.
- Administer, coordinate, or recommend disciplinary and corrective actions.
- Answer telephones, and route calls or deliver messages.
- Counsel students in the handling of issues such as family, financial, and educational problems.
- Hold regular meetings with each assigned unit.
- Compile information such as residents' daily activities and the quantities of supplies used to prepare required reports.
- Chaperone group-sponsored trips and social functions.
- Order supplies for facilities.
- Oversee departmental budget.
- Supervise students' housekeeping work to ensure that it is done properly.
- Process contract cancellations for students who are unable to follow residence hall policies and procedures.
- Accompany and supervise students during meals.
- Supervise the activities of housekeeping personnel.
- Assign rooms to students.
- Provide transportation or escort for expeditions, such as shopping trips or visits to doctors or dentists.
- Direct and participate in on- and off-campus recreational activities for residents of institutions, boarding schools, fraternities or sororities, children's homes, or similar establishments.
- Sort and distribute mail.
- Inventory, pack, and remove items left behind by former residents.
- Develop and coordinate educational programs for residents.
- Develop program plans for individuals or assist in plan development.
- Supervise, train, and evaluate residence hall staff, including resident assistants, participants in work-study programs, and other student workers.
- Evaluate animals to determine their temperaments, abilities, or aptitude for training.
- Evaluate animals for trainability and ability to perform.
- Cue or signal animals during performances.
- Talk to or interact with animals to familiarize them to human voices or contact.
- Conduct training programs to develop or maintain desired animal behaviors for competition, entertainment, obedience, security, riding, or related purposes.
- Feed or exercise animals or provide other general care, such as cleaning or maintaining holding or performance areas.
- Observe animals' physical conditions to detect illness or unhealthy conditions requiring medical care.
- Administer prescribed medications to animals.
- Keep records documenting animal health, diet, or behavior.
- Advise animal owners regarding the purchase of specific animals.
- Train horses or other equines for riding, harness, show, racing, or other work, using knowledge of breed characteristics, training methods, performance standards, and the peculiarities of each animal.
- Use oral, spur, rein, or hand commands to condition horses to carry riders or to pull horse-drawn equipment.
- Retrain horses to break bad habits, such as kicking, bolting, or resisting bridling or grooming.
- Train dogs in human assistance or property protection duties.
- Organize or conduct animal shows.
- Evaluate animals to determine their temperaments, abilities, or aptitude for training.
- Evaluate animals for trainability and ability to perform.
- Identify educational, training, or other development opportunities for sustainability employees or volunteers.
- Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of sustainability programs.
- Develop or execute strategies to address issues such as energy use, resource conservation, recycling, pollution reduction, waste elimination, transportation, education, and building design.
- Develop, or oversee the development of, sustainability evaluation or monitoring systems.
- Supervise employees or volunteers working on sustainability projects.
- Develop sustainability reports, presentations, or proposals for supplier, employee, academia, media, government, public interest, or other groups.
- Develop, or oversee the development of, marketing or outreach media for sustainability projects or events.
- Identify and evaluate pilot projects or programs to enhance the sustainability research agenda.
- Create and maintain sustainability program documents, such as schedules and budgets.
- Formulate or implement sustainability campaign or marketing strategies.
- Research environmental sustainability issues, concerns, or stakeholder interests.
- Direct sustainability program operations to ensure compliance with environmental or governmental regulations.
- Evaluate and approve proposals for sustainability projects, considering factors such as cost effectiveness, technical feasibility, and integration with other initiatives.
- Develop methodologies to assess the viability or success of sustainability initiatives.
- Review sustainability program objectives, progress, or status to ensure compliance with policies, standards, regulations, or laws.
- Write and distribute financial or environmental impact reports.
- Write project proposals, grant applications, or other documents to pursue funding for environmental initiatives.
- Conduct risk assessments related to sustainability and the environment.
- Identify educational, training, or other development opportunities for sustainability employees or volunteers.
- Identify skill development needs for funeral home staff.
- Consult with families or friends of the deceased to arrange funeral details, such as obituary notice wording, casket selection, or plans for services.
- Schedule funerals, burials, or cremations.
- Deliver death certificates to medical facilities or offices to obtain signatures from legally authorized persons.
- Offer counsel and comfort to families and friends of the deceased.
- Monitor funeral service operations to ensure that they comply with applicable policies, regulations, and laws.
- Direct and supervise work of embalmers, funeral attendants, death certificate clerks, cosmetologists, or other staff.
- Complete and maintain records, such as state-required documents, tracking documents, or product inventories.
- Sell funeral services, products, or merchandise to clients.
- Plan and implement changes to service offerings to meet community needs or increase funeral home revenues.
- Respond to customer complaints, legal inquiries, payment negotiations, or other post-service matters.
- Negotiate contracts for prearranged funeral services.
- Explain goals, policies, or procedures to staff members.
- Schedule work hours for funeral home or contract employees.
- Set prices or credit terms for funeral products or services.
- Review financial statements, sales or activity reports, or other performance data to identify opportunities for cost reductions or service improvements.
- Interview and hire new employees.
- Direct or monitor administrative, support, repair, or maintenance services for funeral homes.
- Set marketing, sales, or other financial goals for funeral service establishments and monitor progress toward these goals.
- Attend or make presentations at community events to promote funeral home services or build community relationships.
- Evaluate the performance of vendors, contract employees, or other service providers to ensure quality and cost-efficiency.
- Conduct market research and analyze industry trends.
- Plan and implement sales promotions or other marketing strategies and activities for funeral home operations.
- Identify skill development needs for funeral home staff.
- Create developmentally appropriate lesson plans.
- Maintain a safe play environment.
- Observe and monitor children's play activities.
- Communicate with children's parents or guardians about daily activities, behaviors, and related issues.
- Support children's emotional and social development, encouraging understanding of others and positive self-concepts.
- Care for children in institutional setting, such as group homes, nursery schools, private businesses, or schools for people with disabilities.
- Sanitize toys and play equipment.
- Dress children and change diapers.
- Keep records on individual children, including daily observations and information about activities, meals served, and medications administered.
- Identify signs of emotional or developmental problems in children and bring them to parents' or guardians' attention.
- Instruct children in health and personal habits, such as eating, resting, and toilet habits.
- Organize and store toys and materials to ensure order in activity areas.
- Perform general administrative tasks, such as taking attendance, editing internal paperwork, and making phone calls.
- Perform housekeeping duties, such as laundry, cleaning, dish washing, and changing of linens.
- Read to children and teach them simple painting, drawing, handicrafts, and songs.
- Assist in preparing food and serving meals and refreshments to children.
- Discipline children and recommend or initiate other measures to control behavior, such as caring for own clothing and picking up toys and books.
- Regulate children's rest periods.
- Organize and participate in recreational activities and outings, such as games and field trips.
- Sterilize bottles and prepare formulas.
- Help children with homework and school work.
- Provide care for children with physical, developmental, or mental health disabilities.
- Perform general personnel functions, such as supervision, training, and scheduling.
- Accompany children to and from school, on outings, and to medical appointments.
- Create developmentally appropriate lesson plans.
- Administer tests to assess whether engineers or operators are qualified to use equipment.
- Discard or reject products, materials, or equipment not meeting specifications.
- Mark items with details, such as grade or acceptance-rejection status.
- Measure dimensions of products to verify conformance to specifications, using measuring instruments, such as rulers, calipers, gauges, or micrometers.
- Notify supervisors or other personnel of production problems.
- Inspect, test, or measure materials, products, installations, or work for conformance to specifications.
- Write test or inspection reports describing results, recommendations, or needed repairs.
- Recommend necessary corrective actions, based on inspection results.
- Read dials or meters to verify that equipment is functioning at specified levels.
- Make minor adjustments to equipment, such as turning setscrews to calibrate instruments to required tolerances.
- Read blueprints, data, manuals, or other materials to determine specifications, inspection and testing procedures, adjustment methods, certification processes, formulas, or measuring instruments required.
- Monitor production operations or equipment to ensure conformance to specifications, making necessary process or assembly adjustments.
- Record inspection or test data, such as weights, temperatures, grades, or moisture content, and quantities inspected or graded.
- Position products, components, or parts for testing.
- Remove defects, such as chips, burrs, or lap corroded or pitted surfaces.
- Collect or select samples for testing or for use as models.
- Stack or arrange tested products for further processing, shipping, or packaging.
- Check arriving materials to ensure that they match purchase orders, submitting discrepancy reports as necessary.
- Inspect or test raw materials, parts, or products to determine compliance with environmental standards.
- Analyze test data, making computations as necessary, to determine test results.
- Compare colors, shapes, textures, or grades of products or materials with color charts, templates, or samples to verify conformance to standards.
- Clean, maintain, calibrate, or repair measuring instruments or test equipment, such as dial indicators, fixed gauges, or height gauges.
- Fabricate, install, position, or connect components, parts, finished products, or instruments for testing or operational purposes.
- Monitor machines that automatically measure, sort, or inspect products.
- Interpret legal requirements, provide safety information, or recommend compliance procedures to contractors, craft workers, engineers, or property owners.
- Adjust, clean, or repair products or processing equipment to correct defects found during inspections.
- Compute usable amounts of items in shipments.
- Grade, classify, or sort products according to sizes, weights, colors, or other specifications.
- Disassemble defective parts or components, such as inaccurate or worn gauges or measuring instruments.
- Weigh materials, products, containers, or samples to verify packaging weights or ingredient quantities.
- Compute defect percentages or averages, using formulas and calculators.
- Administer tests to assess whether engineers or operators are qualified to use equipment.