Related Activities Search 33-9032.00 — Security Guards
- Request emergency personnel.
Occupations with related activities Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Request emergency personnel.
- Relay information about incidents or emergencies to personnel using phones or two-way radios.
- Communicate situation details to appropriate personnel.
- Direct fire fighting or prevention activities.
- Administer first aid.
- Rescue people from hazardous situations.
- Assess characteristics of fires.
- Operate firefighting equipment.
- Inspect equipment to ensure safety or proper functioning.
- Maintain fire fighting tools or equipment.
- Train employees in proper work procedures.
- Evaluate employee performance.
- Direct employee training programs.
- Prepare activity or work schedules.
- Develop fire safety or prevention programs or plans.
- Maintain operational records.
- Drive vehicles to transport individuals or equipment.
- Inspect facilities to ensure compliance with security or safety regulations.
- Monitor operational procedures in technical environments to ensure conformance to standards.
- Write operational reports.
- Determine operational procedures.
- Direct criminal investigations.
- Recommend improvements to increase safety or reduce risks.
- Inspect facilities to ensure compliance with fire regulations.
- Hire personnel.
- Locate fires or fire danger areas.
- Maintain professional knowledge or certifications.
- Monitor environmental conditions to detect hazards.
- Perform forest firefighting activities.
- Prepare operational reports.
- Recruit personnel.
- Supervise employees.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Relay information about incidents or emergencies to personnel using phones or two-way radios.
- Communicate situation details to appropriate personnel.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Warn individuals about rule violations or safety concerns.
- Patrol natural areas to ensure safety or enforce regulations.
- Rescue people from hazardous situations.
- Administer first aid.
- Inspect facilities for cleanliness.
- Maintain operational records.
- Record information about environmental conditions.
- Monitor environmental conditions to detect hazards.
- Observe individuals' activities to gather information or compile evidence.
- Operate ships or other watercraft.
- Provide safety training.
- Inspect equipment to ensure safety or proper functioning.
- Train employees in proper work procedures.
- Assist customers to ensure comfort or safety.
- Participate in athletic events.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Warn individuals about rule violations or safety concerns.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Warn individuals about rule violations or safety concerns.
- Confiscate prohibited or dangerous items.
- Search individuals for illegal or dangerous items.
- Escort prisoners to courtrooms, prisons, or other facilities.
- Provide security escorts for officials, jury members, or other individuals.
- Maintain public order or security.
- Patrol properties to maintain safety.
- Guard facilities.
- Detain suspects or witnesses.
- Inspect facilities for cleanliness.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Document legal or regulatory information.
- Prevent unauthorized individuals from entering restricted areas.
- Process forensic or legal evidence in accordance with procedures.
- Inform viewers, listeners, or audiences.
- Present information to the public.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Warn individuals about rule violations or safety concerns.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Communicate situation details to appropriate personnel.
- Inspect cargo to identify potential hazards.
- Examine personal documentation to ensure that it is valid.
- Search individuals for illegal or dangerous items.
- Determine operational procedures.
- Locate suspicious objects or vehicles.
- Monitor activities of individuals to ensure safety or compliance with rules.
- Communicate safety or hazard information to others.
- Block physical access to restricted areas.
- Patrol properties to maintain safety.
- Prevent unauthorized individuals from entering restricted areas.
- Record information about suspicious objects.
- Maintain surveillance of individuals or establishments.
- Confiscate prohibited or dangerous items.
- Monitor access or flow of people to prevent problems.
- Inform the public about policies, services or procedures.
- Provide information to the general public.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Communicate situation details to appropriate personnel.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Communicate situation details to appropriate personnel.
- Check physical condition of people or animals.
- Interview people to gather information about criminal activities.
- Examine crime scenes to obtain evidence.
- Prepare investigation or incident reports.
- Prevent unauthorized individuals from entering restricted areas.
- Record information about suspects or criminals.
- Analyze crime scene evidence.
- Document legal or regulatory information.
- Process forensic or legal evidence in accordance with procedures.
- Collect evidence for legal proceedings.
- Record crime or accident scene evidence with video or still cameras.
- Examine records or other types of data to investigate criminal activities.
- Detain suspects or witnesses.
- Use databases to locate investigation details or other information.
- Observe individuals' activities to gather information or compile evidence.
- Determine operational procedures.
- Serve court ordered documents.
- Apprehend criminal suspects.
- Direct criminal investigations.
- Block physical access to restricted areas.
- Investigate accidents to determine causes.
- Collaborate with law enforcement or security agencies to share information.
- Maintain surveillance of individuals or establishments.
- Testify at legal or legislative proceedings.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Communicate situation details to appropriate personnel.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Relay information about incidents or emergencies to personnel using phones or two-way radios.
- Rescue people from hazardous situations.
- Select tools, equipment, or technologies for use in operations or projects.
- Locate fires or fire danger areas.
- Assess characteristics of fires.
- Respond to emergencies to provide assistance.
- Operate firefighting equipment.
- Examine debris to obtain information about causes of fires.
- Prepare hoses or water supplies to fight fires.
- Communicate with other workers to coordinate activities.
- Collaborate with law enforcement or security agencies to respond to incidents.
- Patrol natural areas to ensure safety or enforce regulations.
- Attend training to learn new skills or update knowledge.
- Demonstrate activity techniques or equipment use.
- Maintain professional knowledge or certifications.
- Prepare investigation or incident reports.
- Protect property from fire or water damage.
- Educate the public about fire safety or prevention.
- Participate in physical training to maintain fitness.
- Maintain fire fighting tools or equipment.
- Inspect equipment to ensure safety or proper functioning.
- Inspect facilities to ensure compliance with fire regulations.
- Implement advanced life support techniques.
- Provide first aid or rescue assistance in emergencies.
- Train personnel on proper operational procedures.
- Treat medical emergencies.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Relay information about incidents or emergencies to personnel using phones or two-way radios.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Assist customers to ensure comfort or safety.
- Inspect motor vehicles.
- Apply identification labels or tags.
- Balance receipts.
- Prepare cash for deposit or disbursement.
- Monitor surroundings to detect potential hazards.
- Collect fares or payment from customers.
- Drive passenger vehicles.
- Provide transportation information to passengers or customers.
- Clean facilities or work areas.
- Direct vehicle traffic.
- Assist passengers during vehicle boarding.
- Maintain vehicles in good working condition.
- Move materials, equipment, or supplies.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Request emergency personnel.
- Operate surveillance equipment to detect suspicious or illegal activities.
- Assign duties or work schedules to employees.
- Block physical access to restricted areas.
- Communicate with management or other staff to resolve problems.
- Conduct eligibility or selection interviews.
- Conduct health or safety training programs.
- Develop organizational methods or procedures.
- Document operational activities.
- Document operational procedures.
- Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
- Hire personnel.
- Inspect equipment to ensure safety or proper functioning.
- Inspect facilities to ensure compliance with security or safety regulations.
- Investigate illegal or suspicious activities.
- Maintain operational records.
- Maintain surveillance of individuals or establishments.
- Manage human resources activities.
- Monitor access or flow of people to prevent problems.
- Monitor alarm systems.
- Monitor operations to ensure compliance with safety or security policies or regulations.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Patrol properties to maintain safety.
- Prepare financial documents, reports, or budgets.
- Prepare investigation or incident reports.
- Prepare operational budgets.
- Prevent unauthorized individuals from entering restricted areas.
- Provide safety training.
- Record operational or production data.
- Recruit personnel.
- Report information to managers or other personnel.
- Schedule instructional activities.
- Search individuals for illegal or dangerous items.
- Supervise employees.
- Train personnel to enhance job skills.
- Request emergency personnel.